Rule 110A – Security of Racing Paddock

A Local Steward, Paddock Steward or Security Officer shall examine each individual Racing Kennel and materials* to be used therein for a Meeting, and all other parts of the Racing Paddock immediately before the Greyhounds enter for Kennelling and shall ascertain that all is secure and in satisfactory condition.

*Bedding used in Racing Kennels shall be supplied by the Racecourse Executive. Trainers may bring additional bedding for their Greyhounds at the discretion of the Racing Manager.

From the time of such examination until after the last Trial or Race at least one Paddock Steward shall be present in the Racing Paddock, and shall ensure that all entrances are, except while in use under the surveillance of a Paddock Steward or Security Officer, kept locked.

An additional Paddock Steward or other Licensed Official shall be appointed where necessary to assist the Paddock Steward in carrying out his/her duties under this and succeeding Rules.