Rule 17 – Change of Ownership

Subject to the Greyhound Regulatory Board’s power to refuse registration of any Owner or Greyhound, every Change of Ownership of a registered Greyhound, except as in Rule 20, shall be registered on the application of the proposed transferee. Such application for registration shall be preceded by registration of the change with the appropriate Stud Book(s) and the appropriate document(s) shown under Rule 24(ii)(a) shall be produced to the Racing Manager of a- GBGB Licensed Racecourse or a qualified employee thereof appointed by him/her. The latter shall forward such document(s) and the completed GBGB Change of Ownership form to the GBGB.

The registered Owner shall make available all documents necessary for registration of the change and shall ensure that the GBGB are notified of the change.

Registration of the change shall not be deemed effective until the application is received and approved by the GBGB.