Rule 217 – Administration of medicaments to Greyhounds

A Greyhound when taking part in a Race or Trial must at that time be free of any substance that could affect its performance or well being, the origin of which could not be traced to normal and ordinary feeding. The only permitted exceptions to this Rule are:-

i)  medicinal products which have been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for the suppression of a bitch’s season, prescribed by a Veterinary Surgeon.

ii)  medicinal products which have been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate as anti-parasitic drugs (for internal/external) parasites or as vaccines, licensed for use in canines.

iii)  substances included in the GBGB published list of permitted treatments.

The application or administration by the track veterinary surgeon on duty, at their discretion, of a small amount of bandage or tape to a tail tip immediately prior to a race or trial is permitted.

The application of any substance, for any purpose on a Greyhound in the Racing Paddock, unless supplied, administered by and applied under the direct supervision of a licensed Veterinary Surgeon, or included in the GBGB published list of permitted treatments, is prohibited.

Any substances administered or applied to a Greyhound by a Trainer or Veterinary Surgeon shall be duly recorded in the Trainer’s Greyhound Treatment Book, and that Greyhound must not Race or Trial for seven Days thereafter.

Note for information: Although most prohibited substances will clear the Greyhound’s system within seven Days, some products may still be detectable more than seven Days after administration. However, it is the responsibility of Owners and Trainers to satisfy themselves in every case that a Greyhound complies with Rule 217 when taking part in a Race or Trial.