Rule 174 – Persons liable to disciplinary action

The Disciplinary Authority shall have power at any Inquiry to make such order as is contained in Rule 160(vi) if they are satisfied that such person


a)  has administered or attempted to administer or has allowed or caused to be administered or connived at or procured the administration to a Greyhound of any quantity of any substance which by its nature could affect the performance of the Greyhound or could prejudice the well being of a Greyhound; or

b)  has had in his/her charge a Greyhound which showed the presence on or in its tissues, body fluids, hair or excreta of any quantity of any substance which by its nature could affect the performance of the Greyhound or could prejudice the well being of the Greyhound.

c)  No person shall be found in breach of Rule 174(i)(a) or (b) if that person satisfies the Disciplinary Committee that:

i)  the presence of the substance in question was the result of normal and ordinary feeding or care of the Greyhound; or

ii)  the substance in question is a medicinal produce which has been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for the suppression of a bitch’s season and which has been prescribed for the Greyhound by a Veterinary Surgeon; or

iii)  the substance in question is a medicinal product which has been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate as an anti-parasitic drug for internal and/or external parasites or as a vaccine for such purpose.

ii)  has corruptly given or offered or promised directly or indirectly any bribe in any form to any Licence holder or to any employee of a Racecourse Executive, and/or to an Owner or Authorised Agent, and/or to any person having access to a Greyhound; or

iii)  has, being a Licence holder, and/or being the employee of a Racecourse Executive, and/or being an Owner or Authorised Agent, and/or being any person having access to a Greyhound, corruptly accepted or offered to accept a bribe in any form; or

iv)  has entered, or caused to be entered, or run or caused to be run, in any Race a Greyhound which he/she knew or believed or had cause to know or believe to be disqualified for such Race; or

v)  has been guilty of or has conspired with any other person for the commission of, or has connived at any other person being guilty of, any corrupt or fraudulent practice in relation to Greyhound racing anywhere; or

vi)  has wilfully or by neglect made any false statement in or in connection with any document relating to Greyhound racing, or has knowingly signed or caused to be signed a false signature to any such document; or

vii)  has wilfully or by neglect made any false statement whether expressly or impliedly regarding the identity of a Greyhound or has removed or attempted to remove or otherwise interfered with an inserted microchip, or causes, attempts to cause the removal of a microchip by whatever means, by themselves or another, except by a qualified veterinary surgeon if the welfare of the greyhound is at risk, or

viii)  has been made a disqualified person by any other authority recognised by the GBGB; or

ix)  has acted in any official capacity on, or has been concerned with the promotion or sponsorship of Races at, or has entered a Greyhound to run at, or has owned or had charge of a Greyhound at the time such Greyhound ran at any non-GBGB Racecourse in England, Scotland or Wales, or

x)  being an Owner or Authorised Agent, or a Licence holder, has by advertisement, circular letter or other means offered to give information concerning any Greyhound in return for monetary consideration, or has connived at such practice; or

xi)  has treated any Greyhound or caused or permitted any Greyhound to be treated with cruelty or in such a manner as causes or is likely as to cause the Greyhound unnecessary suffering.

xii)  has acted in any violent or improper manner on any land or premises:

a)  used by the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board or the Disciplinary Committee or owned, used or Licensed by the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board or the Disciplinary Committee; or

b)  on which the person is present in their capacity as a licensee or permitted person or for training relating to an activity connected with Greyhound Racing.

xiii)  has aided or abetted the commission of any breach of these Rules.


a)  has refused or failed to supply any information or record within a reasonable period of time (and in any case within 28 Days), requested by the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board or the Disciplinary Committee, or a person duly approved and authorised by the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board, reasonably believing the said information or record to be relevant to any investigation or Inquiry in connection with Greyhound Racing; or

b)  has hindered or obstructed the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board or the Disciplinary Committee or a person duly approved and authorised by the GBGB, the Greyhound Regulatory Board or the Disciplinary Committee engaged in any investigation or Inquiry in connection with Greyhound Racing.

xv)  has assisted, or encouraged, or caused another person to act in contravention of a provision of these Rules.