Rule 159 – GRB consideration of Local Inquiry report or Complaint

The GRB Director of Regulation or such other of the regulation department as is nominated by him/her shall consider any report forwarded to them under Rule 158 or Complaint made to them under Rule 168 and may:

i)  dismiss any Complaint: or

ii)  decide to take no action, in which event any person directly affected by the report, shall be forthwith notified of their decision: or

iii)  order a GRB Inquiry to be held into the subject matter of the report or Complaint.

iv)  refer back to a Stipendiary Steward a matter that has already been the subject of a local inquiry and for him/her to reconvene the local inquiry; or where it is considered that the case is more appropriately dealt with by that Stipendiary Steward or appoint another Stipendiary Steward.